How America Botched Covid and Ruined Christmas — Yet Again

We All Knew Another Wave Was on the Way. Only America’s Hopelessly Ignorant Elites Didn’t See it Coming.

umair haque
Eudaimonia and Co
Published in
15 min readDec 26, 2021


Image Credit: Fox News Screenshot

So. How’s your Christmas going? Ours? Ruined. We all got Covid, right before the holidays. My wife couldn’t see her side of the family, and I couldn’t see mine. Don’t get me wrong. I’m grateful that we’re together, me, her, the doggie, my mom. But it would have been nice to have a proper Christmas with everyone. It was hardly just us, though. More or less everyone we know was in some similar kind of boat — or maybe life-raft. Some much shakier than others. There are people stuck at airports or watching their loved ones in the hospital, at least judging from how sirens are now going by every hour or so.

I’d bet that right about now, a lot of Americans are a little angry, even if they’re trying to politely hide it with forced holiday cheer, about having their Christmases ruined. They should be. Because America bungled Covid, all over again.

How so? Let me begin at the beginning.

Just about three weeks ago or so, I was shocked — though maybe I shouldn’t have been — to read article after article which said the same thing. They all came from America’s elites, usually pundits — not, crucially, scientists. And they all said the same thing. The pandemic’s over.

This was literally days before Omicron hit. And that, my friends, set the stage for America bungling Covid yet again. I’ll get to that part. First, I want to drive this point home. So I’m going to be thorough in giving you some examples.

“The pandemic is ending with a whimper,” a pundit wrote, on November 27th. You may know her. She appears on CNN all the time. She’s a Homeland Security type of some sort. Who knows? But remind me what business a pundit has proclaiming a pandemic over?

But she was far from the only one.

The week before that, another wrote in the New York Times that “The bottom line is that Covid now presents the sort of risk to most vaccinated people that we unthinkingly accept in other parts of life. And there is not going to be a day when we wake up to headlines proclaiming that Covid is defeated. In many ways…

