Meet Liberal America’s New Best Friend, The Taliban

The Jaw-Dropping Spectacle of Watching Liberal America Defend and Befriend the Taliban

umair haque
Eudaimonia and Co
Published in
12 min readAug 27, 2021


Image Credit: CNN Screenshot

“I feel like I’m taking crazy pills,” My friend Ahmed groaned, holding his head.

“Are they actually nuts? asked my friend Sonia, her jaw dropping. “I went to school across the street from those guys and they wanted to kill us.

“I think they’ve lost their minds,” said my friend Roshan, staring at the screen and frowning.

“They’re actually defending…the Taliban?” Ahmed asked. “What the ****?!” he said quietly disbelief and anger.

We were watching the news about a horrific terror attack in Kabul, and reading the tweet reactions from American liberals. All of whom have decided, suddenly, that the Taliban are their friends.

Ahmed, Sonia, and Roshan all grew up with the Taliban and their ilk. Like I did. And they, like me, are shocked. We all agreed.

We’ve literally never seen anything stupider — anything — than American liberals defending the Taliban.

When liberals cry, “but this was ISIS-K, not the Taliban!” it’s as painfully stupid as saying, “But Jan 6th was the Proud Boys, not Trump! Trump tried to stop it!” American liberals can see why…

