The World’s Five Richest Men Could Each End Covid Multiple Times Over. That Should Make You Angry.

You Should Be Angry About Living in a World Where Billionaires Have Taken Everything — Right Down to Life and Death

umair haque
Eudaimonia and Co
Published in
8 min readMay 21, 2021


Image Credit: UBS

There’s a saying — I don’t know who said it: “every billionaire is a policy failure.” It’s worse than that: every billionaire is a planetary failure.

We’re going to do a little math together, and the results will be shocking — not surprising, maybe, but still, horrifying, at least to sane and decent people. And don’t worry, it’s grade school math. About what it would take to vaccinate the world, which is a measure of how badly we’re failing at so, so many things, from civilisation to public health to decency, and augurs ill for an age of climate change and ecological collapse, where we will have to make massive investments. But I get ahead of myself.

The IMF has recently put forth a three point plan for vaccinating the world — or at least beginning to. This is something we should all care about, by the way, for the obvious reason that if we don’t, new vaccine-resistant variants go on emerging, and infect us, eventually, too. In the IMF’s plan, which in total costs $50 billion, there’s a “shortfall” of $13 billion.

