This Is the Beginning of the Age of…Extinction

What the Orange Skies Over America Really Mean, or Why the World Is Coming Undone

umair haque
Eudaimonia and Co
Published in
10 min readJun 8, 2023


By now, you’ve seen them. Everyone’s seen them. The dystopian pictures of America’s East Coast, particularly Manhattan, under….that orange sky. That Extinction sky.

All this is just what your gut is telling you it is. Your brain is disputing it, because, well, sadly, your brain has been filled, if you’re the average person, with a series of Big Lies, half-truths, and rank disinformation. Your gut knows. It’s shouting at you. It’s saying, “hey, that looks Biblical! What the hell…there’s something very, very wrong here.” Meanwhile, the average person’s brain is busy trying to suppress that intuition, from the core of the deepest part of what it is to be human, with… “Hey! Chill! Think about…buying some…designer…sneakers! Sip that overpriced mocha-ccino-latte!! Hey, isn’t there yoga class tonight? Everything’s gonna be fine.”

Go ahead and join me in deranged laughter. Because….

All this is just what it appears to be. Hello, the sky is orange. You can smell Canada burning from Fifth Avenue…from Washington DC. Of course your gut is screaming out in alarm. That’s the only part left of most people that works anymore. What do you do when a fire so big its effect…

