Trump’s America is Now The World’s Plague Belt

Trump and his Army of Idiots Have Made Red States the World’s Coronavirus Epicenter

umair haque
Eudaimonia and Co
Published in
8 min readJul 15, 2020


Bible Belt. Rust Belt. Sun Belt. And now, Plague Belt.

There’s a strange and terrible thing happening in America. OK, an extra strange and terrible one. America’s Red States used to be its Rust Belt, it’s Bible Belt. Now America’s Red States are the world’s Plague Belt.

The numbers coming out of America’s Red States are nothing short of jaw-dropping and breathtaking. The entire European Union had about 4,000 cases yesterday. That’s a region with twice America’s population. And yet Florida alone had about 10,000 cases. It has 4% of the EU’s population. Arizona by itself had as many cases as the EU — about 4,000. It has just 1% of the entire EU’s population. Texas had more than 10,000 new cases. It has just about 5% of the EU’s population.

Then there’s California — which had 8,000 cases, or twice the entire EU’s rate. It’s population is only about 8% of the EU’s.

In total, America has north of 60,000 cases per day. The EU has just 4,000. Those numbers are just what they appear to be, which is an order of magnitude apart. Corona in America is more than 10 times worse than in Europe.

Most of that vast, yawning difference is driven by America’s new Plague Belt.

America’s Red States becoming a Plague Belt is very real. It means that they have some of the worst Corona outcomes in the world — all by themselves. Worse than the world’s poorest and most devastated countries even. North Carolina? 25th in the world. Arizona and Florida? Number one and two worst Corona outbreaks in the world. Of the world’s ten worst Corona outbreaks, seven are American Red States.

So when I say Plague Belt, I’m not kidding. It’s a phrase that means America now has a belt of states which are hit so hard by the virus they are the world’s roiling epicenter of the pandemic, its hottest Corona incubator.

It’s true that over time, poorer countries might overtake America. Or they might not. Vietnam is a poor country, and it beat Coronavirus dead in its tracks. Money is no guarantee of success in this new world we find ourselves in.

