This is How Martial Law Happens to a Country

A Desperate President. A Secret Police. This is How Trump Steals the Next Election.

umair haque
Eudaimonia and Co
Published in
8 min readJul 21, 2020


Masked men. No badges. Carrying machine guns. In unmarked vans. Snatching people at will. On American streets.

In case you haven’t heard, “federal officers” were recently sent to Portland. Nancy Pelosi described them, more accurately, as “stormtroopers.”

And there, these heavily armed men began beating and gassing…Moms. That’s right, they began using chemical agents on…groups of mothers, who were simply marching and protesting together, creating a human barrier to protect other protestors, shouting, “Feds stay clear! Moms are here!” Then they proceeded to abduct people, in unmarked cars, simply plucking them off the streets, taking them…who knows where. A veteran asked them to remember their oaths — and they broke his hand. They weren’t wearing badges — and for a time, nobody much knew who they were.

It turned out that they’d been sent on the order of — who else — Donald Trump. They were “agents” of the ominously named “Homeland Security.” But now its force was being used against…regular Americans…simply walking down their very own streets, while their friends and family scream in horror. What the?

That should chill you, right down to your bone. If it doesn’t yet, I don’t know what to tell you. “Federal agents” ordered to abduct people, arrest them, intimidate them, beat them, and gas them for no apparent reason, on the orders of a demagogue, aspiring tyrant, his minions?

Here’s something else that should chill you further. These heavily armed men are now being deployed to a city near you. Maybe the one you live in. Chicago. Philadelphia. Baltimore. New York. The “policy” was “so successful” in Portland, that it’s being taken nationwide.

Wait, what? Are American cities on the brink of anarchy? Are there groups of armed terrorists roaming the avenues? Then what reason is there to send in men with gas and machine guns to occupy the streets?

There’s every reason, unfortunately. This is the part where I tell you that your worst fears are coming true. It’s time to think the unthinkable.

