What’s the Point of a Bret Stephens?

Or, Why America Ended Up With the World’s Dumbest Public Sphere and Discourse

umair haque
Eudaimonia and Co
Published in
9 min readAug 31, 2019


Over the last few days — in case you haven’t been paying attention — an episode so surreal that it almost defies description took place. The New York Times columnist Bret Stephens — already known for, among other things, climate change denial, racism, and misoygny…angrily emailed the Provost of a University…because a professor called him a bedbug on Twitter. But that’s only part one of this epic saga.

After the professor made the passive aggressive, childish, bullying email from Bret Stephens public…Stephens was mocked roundly on Twitter…so much so that his name trended in humiliation..which was only fair. So what did Stephens do? Apologize, for childishly tattling to a boss? Get the message, learn the lesson, be an adult? Nope.

He then used his columng to compare his plight to…the Holocaust. Yes, you read that right, a New York Times columnist compared…being made fun of on Twitter for being a bully…to genocide…of himself. It even had a picture of Josef Goebbels, which is above (in this analogy, you and me are Goebbels putting poor screaming Bret in the gas chambers, I suppose.)

What the? Are we even in reality anymore? One of the most powerful men in the media world — who’ll…

